Learn how you can take ACTION
There are many simple ways that you can take action to protect the planet from the devastating effects of climate change.

Sustainability in the City of Pinole
The City of Pinole is dedicated to being a livable city for all. There are a number of sustainability initiatives throughout the county and City that address energy efficiency and renewable energy, water and air quality, recycling, and land use planning. These initiatives strive to improve the health, safety, and resiliency of the City of Pinole for all community members. A terrific example is the
Climate Action and Adaptation Plan (CAAP). The CAAP is a strategic, well-defined framework for how the City aims to reduce greenhouse gases in Pinole. Learn about all of the City's sustainability initiatives by visiting our
Public Works webpage.
Fight Climate Change with Diet Change
food systems have many detrimental environmental and social impacts. Combining emissions from the global food system via food waste, livestock, deforestation and transportation accounts for 25% of all greenhouse gas emissions. Not only does our current food system fuel climate change, but also it disproportionately neglects low-income communities and developing countries. Being better educated about the food system can help you make more informed choices about your health as well as the planet's.
As awareness of impacts increases, so does the variety of alternative diet options. Food presents an exciting opportunity to engage in important conversations about climate change and environmental justice. Eating a plant-based diet and using
zero-waste cooking techniques is a healthy way to fight climate change. Try a new
recipe today!
Conserve Water
Water is the single most important resource on earth. Without water, there is no life, which is why water conservation is crucial. Water conservation is a series of methods that aim to reduce our usage of freshwater resources. And it is critical, especially as climate change causes more and more unpredictable and extreme weather patterns where rain is not always certain. Conserving water can alleviate the effects of drought. Reducing the amount of hot and cold water we use in our homes helps to conserve water and energy, which also cuts down on energy pollution.
There are many ways to cut down on water usage in our homes by decreasing our water usage habits (i.e. take shorter showers), using water-wise appliances and checking for leaks. Planting native and drought tolerant plants in your garden and in place of lawns also makes a big impact. On a larger scale, increasing forest cover, building better irrigation systems and advocating for policy changes are other ways we can ensure our earth's water supply lasts for generations to come. We encourage you to learn more about water conservation.
EBMUD Conservation & Rebates: https://www.ebmud.com/water/conservation-and-rebates
East Bay Municipal Utility District: Save water like a pro! Visit the WaterSmart Center for tips and rebates.
EPA Watersense tips and rebate finder: https://www.epa.gov/watersense
WaterSense is an EPA national voluntary partnership program that offers a simple way for consumers to identify water-efficient products, homes, and services.
Calscape Garden Planner: https://gardenplanner.calscape.org/
EBMUD Water-wise Garden Planner: https://www.ebmud.com/water/conservation-and-rebates/watersmart-gardener
Resource center for water efficient landscaping and gardening. Includes low water use garden inspiration, design resources, maintenance tips, and resources for landscape professionals.
EPA Landscape guide: https://www.epa.gov/watersense/landscaping-tips#plants
Having a water-smart landscape isn't just about how much you water - it means the choosing the right plants for your location, maintaining healthy soils, and using proper maintenance techniques.
Fats, oils and grease collection: https://www.ci.pinole.ca.us/city_government/public_works/wastewater_collection/fats__oils__grease___f_o_g_
The Ultimate Guide on Water Conservation: How to Save Every Last Drop
National Geographic Kids: Water. This children's book provides information about the Earth's water, including rivers, lakes, oceans, the water cycle, climate, water pollution, and conservation. E-book is available for check out though the
Contra Costa County Library!
Every Day is Earth Day. This is a delightful arts & crafts book with eco-friendly projects made just for kids. Even young children can make the easy projects in these books, using materials that are readily available. Colorful step-by-step illustrations accompany each craft. This book is available for check out through the Contra Costa Library.
Community Science-Informed Local Policy: A Case Study in Pinole Creek Litter Assessment
Copenhagen has taken bicycle commuting to a whole new level