/UserFiles/Servers/Server_10946972/Image/City Governement/Public Works/patch paving.JPG,/UserFiles/Servers/Server_10946972/Image/City Governement/Public Works/patch paving.JPG,/UserFiles/Servers/Server_10946972/Image/City Governement/Public Works/patch paving.JPG
Traffic & Pedestrian Safety Commission
The Traffic & Pedestrian Safety Commission (TAPS) is dedicated to protecting the citizens and pedestrians of Pinole. Discussions are encouraged regarding a multimodal transportation plan as several other cities in the county have adopted a similar plan to help secure grants for pedestrian safety and improved transportation.
Contra Costa Countywide Bicycle and Pedestrian Plan
If you have a traffic or pedestrian safety concern please contact Sanjay Mishra, Public Works Director via e-mail: [email protected]. It is best to share these concerns before the meeting; therefore, council members can discuss possible solutions to these safety hazards and complaints.