The City of Pinole has instituted many practices toward its fiscal sustainability and a safe, clean community. However, the City’s current resources are insufficient to meet some of the community’s long-term needs, particularly park, road, infrastructure and other needs.
We have a responsibility to ensure the City continues to have money to address our community’s needs.
That’s why the City Council is considering placing a Charter City measure on the November ballot. Doing so could potentially allow the City to expand local revenue to maintain long-term financial sustainability and services. Please fill out the form below, we will review all comments to ensure the City continues to address the community’s priorities in its long-range planning:
* Response Required
General Information:
Please give us your feedback by ranking the following priorities from 1 to 6, with “1” being the most important:
Keeping streets, public areas, and parks clean:
Improving fire protection/911 response:
Upgrading storm drains:
We invite your suggestions for additional service priorities: