Pinole's Rates


Residents and business owners in Pinole have been notified via mail about the proposed rates. 
City of Council received a presentation on May 21, 2024 as part of the first read of the public hearing for the proposed sewer rate. The DRAFT Sewer Rate Study was presented to the council. 
A workshop was conducted on July 2, 2024 at 7PM to facilitate public comments on this topic. - WORKSHOP PRESENTATION SLIDES-
City of Pinole will host a Public Hearing on July 16, 2024, to discuss and potentially adopt these rates. Notices of the Public Hearing, as required by California Constitution Article XIIID (Proposition 218), have been distributed to all affected parties. Residents are encouraged to review the details in the mailer and provide their comments or votes accordingly.
Review the DRAFT Pinole Sewer Rate Study 2024 here:
A sample protest form for proposed Sewer Rate Increase – Prop 218 Protest Form.
Prop 218 Protest Form

The City of Pinole’s Wastewater Department is constituted as an enterprise fund. Enterprise funds are governmental activities that provide specifically defined services and that are self-funded through user fees. The City of Pinole’s Wastewater Department provides for collection and treatment of sanitary sewage within the city limits of Pinole. The Wastewater Department is funded by fees charged to customers. The Wastewater Department does not receive any revenue from property taxes or from sales taxes.

Operating Costs

The Wastewater Department has to recover all its operating costs through user fees. The assessment for wastewater service, which is reflected in your property tax statement, pays for electricity to operate pumps, fuel to operate maintenance vehicles, chemicals used in wastewater treatment, fees paid to regulatory agencies for permits and inspection programs, salaries and other costs related to processing the wastewater.


The City of Pinole has entered into a Joint Powers Agreement with the City of Hercules for processing their wastewater.