/UserFiles/Servers/Server_10946972/Image/City Governement/Public Works/patch paving.JPG,/UserFiles/Servers/Server_10946972/Image/City Governement/Public Works/IMG_0637.JPG,/UserFiles/Servers/Server_10946972/Image/City Governement/Public Works/bicycle at city mon ument.JPG
Save Water
Water Conservation
- Pinole residents receive water from the East Bay Municipal Utility District (EBMUD). EBMUD offers incentives, tools, and resources to help customers reduce water use and finance efficiency upgrades. A few WaterSmart tips that save water and money include:
- Only run full loads of laundry and dishes
- Turn on the tap only when you need to rinse; don’t let water run unnecessarily when you brush your teeth, lather up, shave, or wash dishes
- Take a shorter shower
- Adjust your watering schedule: turn off irrigation in the winter and only water manually if absolutely necessary. During the growing season, irrigate early or later in the day (before 10am or after 7pm).
- Wash your car with a bucket and sponge instead of a hose
- Cover your pool to reduce evaporation
Air Quality
- The Bay Area Quality Management District (BAAQMD) is a public agency that regulates the stationary sources of air pollution in the San Francisco Bay Area, including Contra Costa and Pinole. Current air quality monitoring and ‘Spare the Air’ alerts can be found on their website. The ‘Spare the Air’ Campaign has two seasonal components that education residents about the effects of air pollution and encourage them to take action to improve air quality.